Kokako had a lot of things going for it before we even stepped foot in the door.
1) It roasts its own coffee which just also happens to be…
2) …organic and fair trade
3) It is based in the Grey Lynn Post Office which, well, used to be our local PO
4) We had heard rave reviews from various friends already and
5) Its website is cool.
I (Lou) was mindful of those times I have gone to a movie after someone has talked it up so much, they have almost set it up to fail and disappoint. However, entering Kokako was an affirming experience and within an instant, I had decided it lived up to the reviews.
We were smack-bang in the Friday lunch hour and scored the last available table for four – with a chock-full house, the waitress was still breezy and cheerful and customers all looked happy.
We all chose food from the kitchen menu and it was served in about ten minutes, looked beautiful and received all-round thumbs up. We admired the surrounds, hand-picked vintage items all with a purpose and, to be honest, a bunch of cool items on the shelves that I would quite like to take home, thanks very much. Kokako is not unlike an industrial upcycled deco pinterest page come to life.
The coffee was nom nom; the Grey Lynn vegan smoothy came in a briscoes-version-of-a-mason-jar; the staff efficient and volumous. And there were enough intriguing items on the menu to get us back again for another look. Definitely one of our favs to date.
Here’s a great article on the cafe if you fancy reading more.
Louise said ‘Loved it. Loved the style of the cafe, great coffee, yummy lunch and even the neighbouring table admired our meals. Could be my new fav.’
Innie said ‘The cafe was great! It was better than going to a Westfield, and for me, that’s like the best compliment I will ever give! ;)’